Curriculum Vitae
I hold a BA in Linguistics from The University of Crete (2002) and an MPhil in Theoretical Linguistics from the University of Utrecht (2005). I received my PhD from the University of Utrecht in 2010. My dissertation explored the grammar of reflexive anaphors in English and Greek.
SInce March 2012, I have been working as a post-doc (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) in Project B6 ‘Underspecification in Voice Systems and the Syntax-Morphology Interface’ of SFB 732 at the University of Stuttgart.
Since October 2015 I have also been holding a post-doc position in Project DFG AL 554/8-1(Leibnizpreis 2014) of Prof.Dr. Artemis Alexiadou at the HUmboldt University of Berlin, where I am also physically located.
SInce March 2012, I have been working as a post-doc (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) in Project B6 ‘Underspecification in Voice Systems and the Syntax-Morphology Interface’ of SFB 732 at the University of Stuttgart.
Since October 2015 I have also been holding a post-doc position in Project DFG AL 554/8-1(Leibnizpreis 2014) of Prof.Dr. Artemis Alexiadou at the HUmboldt University of Berlin, where I am also physically located.
You can download my full CV here.